Thursday, June 10, 2010

Know your muscles through Appiphone

In this changing world, there is need to constantly update our knowledge. AppiPhone has taken the lead in this regard. Apart from the routine features of a phone, AppiPhone is packed with many additional features. Of course, these features are for your benefit. For example, if you want to have a revision session of what you have learnt in your school days about human anatomy or provide your son with additional information on human anatomy so that he can prepare well for the ensuing class test, we have the answer. We have put all the details of the human anatomy in the iphone. Just a touch will unravel all the details of the human body.


The information is carefully crafted by a team of experts in the field of medicine and a team of experts in software has put the images and the information in a manner everyone can easily access. The pictures and the details displayed on the iphone are of very high quality. The entire session is divided appropriately. For example, the session has been divided into four consisting of face, arm, torso and leg.

In fact this is the first menu which appears on the screen. Now, you can open the desired topic by just touching the screen. For example you select the topic face. Here you will have three options. The first is you will see a video of the various parts of the face. The second option is a quiz session and the third option is you can see a specific part of the face and have a blown up visual of the selected part. Now you are given more information like the various nerves which connect the muscle, the blood vessels, etc. about the particular visual you have selected.

Special feature:

The special feature consists of the ’overview’ mode where you will find the entire human body with some little dots with each dot representing a muscle. All that you have to do is to touch the appropriate dot and you are flooded with information about the particular muscle. You can rotate the image again by touching the screen. To save your time, there is a search mode which can be accessed alphabetically.

All this information is available at the most reasonable price.

Debbie Z Gordon also writes iPhone App Reviews for AppShouter

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