Thursday, June 10, 2010

News on Appiphone

News on Appipad and Appiphone is absolutely free! Yes, it is a fact. In fact this is an additional feature available in the App series. App News has many features and the interface is very easy to use. For your information, these facilities are only on Appipad and Appiphone.


Yes we know you are eager to know the features. Just open the Newsy on your Appipad and go to ‘All’ screen. It gives you headlines of the latest news. For your convenience, the application is available in landscape and also in portrait mode. The landscape mode appears in Appiphone. You can see the video for which menus are given on the right hand side of the screen. Of course, for viewing, all that you have to do is just ‘touch’ the screen.

There are other features to quickly browse through the various news items and for this purpose filters have been provided. These have been arranged subject wise like politics, sports, business, entertainment, etc.

Portrait is quite easy:

In portrait mode space is the constraint. But it is not so in Appipod or Appiphone. The thumbnails have been intelligently arranged and it appears in the grid format. The news items are given preference in space. So browsing is easy and lot of information can be viewed even in portrait mode.

Video in portrait mode!

Yes it is amazing, but it is true. When you are in portrait mode, you will find an empty small window. You will also find a list of videos available for viewing. Now, just hold it for a second, drag it to the empty box and touch it and the video is played for you with immaculate clarity of picture and voice. As soon as that video is played, the next video starts playing automatically and it goes on till the last video is played. Some users have said that there was some problem in quitting the video mode. But this problem has been attended to and now it is working efficiently. Along with the video, there is provision for posting comments and the transcript of the video is also available for viewing.

Social networking: Certainly the social networks like Twitter and Face book are also available.

Debbie Z Gordon also writes iPhone App Reviews for AppShouter

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